Something and SE have been asked to stand in for Nix as the Grand Poobas at the Umbrella Harvest Grand Parade. Something and SE have never been given such an honour and SE realizes that they must both be stylish, witty and elegant for the occasion. Because Something is always such a mess, SE decides that he must attend a course at Charm School before he can be a Grand Pooba. After intensive tuition, Something emerges as a cravat-wearing, classical music-loving bore with no interest in having fun with SE at all. How can SE get his friend back? Will Something ever want to have fun again?
Season 1
Something Old, Something New The Schedule The Trip The Sitters Berry High The Chair Affair Double Trouble The Pretty Ones Charm School Birthday Surprise Site-Mare Clean Living Stuffed With Stuff Sleep Can't Dance, Won't Dance H²Oh-Oh Theatricals Something Collects Hello Dolly Decoration Day Crisis Kevin The Big Sneezy Chatterbox Once in a Pink Moon Strike Lifesaver
Something Old, Something New The Schedule The Trip The Sitters Berry High The Chair Affair Double Trouble The Pretty Ones Charm School Birthday Surprise Site-Mare Clean Living Stuffed With Stuff Sleep Can't Dance, Won't Dance H²Oh-Oh Theatricals Something Collects Hello Dolly Decoration Day Crisis Kevin The Big Sneezy Chatterbox Once in a Pink Moon Strike Lifesaver