It's Tuesday morning and Something is tinkering with his new invention, the Bubble Flying Machine. Meanwhile, upstairs in the kitchen, SE is making his Unusually Crunchy Muffins (as he does every Tuesday). Unfortunately, SE has run out of rockberries, an essential ingredient for the muffins; even the local store is fresh out. SE rallies the troops for a hike to the top of Berry High Mountain to gather fresh rockberries and Something decides to try out his new flying machine. Something reaches the top first, finds the berries and pops a few in his mouth – just to make sure they are ripe of course! But they're not rock berries, they're icicle berries and Something instantly turns into a big block of ice! How are they going to thaw Something? More importantly, will SE manage to bake Tuesday's Unusually Crunchy Muffins?!
Season 1
Something Old, Something New The Schedule The Trip The Sitters Berry High The Chair Affair Double Trouble The Pretty Ones Charm School Birthday Surprise Site-Mare Clean Living Stuffed With Stuff Sleep Can't Dance, Won't Dance H²Oh-Oh Theatricals Something Collects Hello Dolly Decoration Day Crisis Kevin The Big Sneezy Chatterbox Once in a Pink Moon Strike Lifesaver
Something Old, Something New The Schedule The Trip The Sitters Berry High The Chair Affair Double Trouble The Pretty Ones Charm School Birthday Surprise Site-Mare Clean Living Stuffed With Stuff Sleep Can't Dance, Won't Dance H²Oh-Oh Theatricals Something Collects Hello Dolly Decoration Day Crisis Kevin The Big Sneezy Chatterbox Once in a Pink Moon Strike Lifesaver