Domestic bliss is shattered when SE forgets about his chores and leaves Something waiting for his lunch. Something decides to create a schedule so that he will always get his meals on time. Unfortunately, Something Else's over-zealous nature means that he takes his scheduling and time saving to an extreme. Everything is done at breakneck speed and meals are soon restricted to one uni-meal in the middle of the night! What can Something do? Can he stop Something Else's manic scheduling? Will Something ever be able to rest for 5 minutes again?
Season 1
Something Old, Something New The Schedule The Trip The Sitters Berry High The Chair Affair Double Trouble The Pretty Ones Charm School Birthday Surprise Site-Mare Clean Living Stuffed With Stuff Sleep Can't Dance, Won't Dance H²Oh-Oh Theatricals Something Collects Hello Dolly Decoration Day Crisis Kevin The Big Sneezy Chatterbox Once in a Pink Moon Strike Lifesaver
Something Old, Something New The Schedule The Trip The Sitters Berry High The Chair Affair Double Trouble The Pretty Ones Charm School Birthday Surprise Site-Mare Clean Living Stuffed With Stuff Sleep Can't Dance, Won't Dance H²Oh-Oh Theatricals Something Collects Hello Dolly Decoration Day Crisis Kevin The Big Sneezy Chatterbox Once in a Pink Moon Strike Lifesaver