Every once in a while, the moon bathes Here and There in a warm rosy pink light. When this phenomenon happens, there is no telling what strange occurrences will take place; it could rain hats and clogs, people may start talking in rhyme, but more importantly, the Lesser-spotted-not-seen-very-often-Moth may appear in a cocoon and hatch – but this only happens once in a pink moon! Unfortunately, SE misses the remarkable event of the moth hatching and Something decides to try and make it up to SE by…painting the moon pink! But, can Here and There cope with the unusual happenings that accompany a pink moon, on a daily basis? Will all the residents have to wear crash helmets to protect them from the unusual rain storms?
Season 1
Something Old, Something New The Schedule The Trip The Sitters Berry High The Chair Affair Double Trouble The Pretty Ones Charm School Birthday Surprise Site-Mare Clean Living Stuffed With Stuff Sleep Can't Dance, Won't Dance H²Oh-Oh Theatricals Something Collects Hello Dolly Decoration Day Crisis Kevin The Big Sneezy Chatterbox Once in a Pink Moon Strike Lifesaver
Something Old, Something New The Schedule The Trip The Sitters Berry High The Chair Affair Double Trouble The Pretty Ones Charm School Birthday Surprise Site-Mare Clean Living Stuffed With Stuff Sleep Can't Dance, Won't Dance H²Oh-Oh Theatricals Something Collects Hello Dolly Decoration Day Crisis Kevin The Big Sneezy Chatterbox Once in a Pink Moon Strike Lifesaver