Two creatures, one named "Something", the other named "Something Else" try to co-exist peacefully despite the fact that they are complete opposites. Imagine The Odd Couple as if it were done by Dr. Suess and you've got the basic idea.
Season 1
Something Old, Something New The Schedule The Trip The Sitters Berry High The Chair Affair Double Trouble The Pretty Ones Charm School Birthday Surprise Site-Mare Clean Living Stuffed With Stuff Sleep Can't Dance, Won't Dance H²Oh-Oh Theatricals Something Collects Hello Dolly Decoration Day Crisis Kevin The Big Sneezy Chatterbox Once in a Pink Moon Strike Lifesaver
Something Old, Something New The Schedule The Trip The Sitters Berry High The Chair Affair Double Trouble The Pretty Ones Charm School Birthday Surprise Site-Mare Clean Living Stuffed With Stuff Sleep Can't Dance, Won't Dance H²Oh-Oh Theatricals Something Collects Hello Dolly Decoration Day Crisis Kevin The Big Sneezy Chatterbox Once in a Pink Moon Strike Lifesaver