The show opens with the bitter divorce Award Show, then Colin is Noah announcing he's eaten all the animals during a Press Conference. Then, it's an infomercial to stop being drunk. After that, it's Sound Effects with Ryan and Colin being two musketeers and an Irish Drinking Song about first cars. Greg wins, so everyone else plays Props.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Chip Esten Greg Proops Greg Proops Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Jeff Davis Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood
Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Chip Esten Greg Proops Greg Proops Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Jeff Davis Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood