In Let's Make A Date Kathy is the contestant. Wayne is a ""mission impossible agent lowering himself into a room to retrieve secret microfilm in Colin & Ryan's pants pockets"". Colin is ""having passionate secret affairs with Wayne & Ryan's shoes but must decide between them"". Ryan is a ""comedian who is bound & strapped to a time bomb that counts down whenever the audience isn't laughing"". Really Bad Hangover is next where Kathy & Colin act out a scene where a couple wake up in the morning... and Ryan & Wayne do the amplified hangover sound effects. Scenes From A Hat subjects are ""bad songs to sing while making love"", ""the last thing you would expect to come out of your grandmother's mouth"", ""adults who are still experiencing the terrible two's"" and ""unusual acts performed on talent night at the convent"". In Film Dub Ryan, Kathy & Colin improvise a scene... ""one day at the trailer park"". The Greatest Hits CD set this time is The Songs of the Circus. Wayne wins the show... so Dre
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Chip Esten Greg Proops Greg Proops Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Jeff Davis Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood
Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Chip Esten Greg Proops Greg Proops Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Jeff Davis Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood