Number of Words is a scene from Star Trek, has Captain Kirk (Ryan, 3 words) has been captured by a Klingon (Wayne, 4 words). Mr. Spock (Brad, 5 words) and Scotty (Colin, 2 words) beam down to the planet to rescue them. Scenes From a Hat has the quartet act out ""Things you don't want to be shouting at a party when the music suddenly stops"", ""Bad things to say or do with someone with a hairy back"", ""Poems about embarrassing moments"", and ""The worst soap opera cliffhanger lines leading into a commercial"". In Dubbing, Colin is an explorer who finds Jane, audience member Rachel (voiced by Brad) in the jungle, taking Cheetah for a walk and tries to pursuade her to return to civilization with him. Suddenly Tarzan, played by Ryan, swings in to reclaim her. Colin and Ryan then sell a Greatest Hits compilation based on TV Detective and Cop Shows, as sung by Brad and Wayne, in the styles of the Rolling Stones, Opera, and a Burlesque Stripper Song. Colin wins, so it's Wayne and Brad vs Ryan and D
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Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Chip Esten Greg Proops Greg Proops Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Jeff Davis Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood
Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Chip Esten Greg Proops Greg Proops Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Jeff Davis Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Greg Proops Chip Esten Brad Sherwood Chip Esten Kathy Greenwood Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Kathy Greenwood