Michael Portillo explores British Columbia, steered by his Appleton’s Guide to Canada, published in 1899. He discovers how two superpowers nearly came to war over a pig and joins the Royal Canadian Navy to firefight on board the frigate HMCS Regina. Starting on Vancouver Island, Michael explores the rich British heritage and colonial past of the provincial capital of British Columbia, Victoria. He discovers the origins of the immensely powerful fur-trading enterprise, the Hudson’s Bay Company and, in the affluent James Bay area of Victoria, he finds the former home of an early 20th-century artist who documented the art and culture of the indigenous people of the western coast, Emily Carr. At Saanichton, Michael helps to carve a 36-foot totem pole in the studio of a present-day First Nations artist. In the wilderness of British Columbia,
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Ninilchik to Wasilla Talkeetna to Juneau Skagway to Vancouver Vancouver Island to Kamloops Kamloops to Calgary Halifax to Prince Edward Island Springhill Junction to Quebec City Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre to Winnipeg Portage la Prairie to Saskatoon Edmonton to Jasper Vancouver Vancouver Island to San Juan Island Port Moody to Kamloops Kamloops to Banff Calgary Winnipeg Portage La Prairie to Watrous Saskatoon Edmonton Hinton to Jasper
Ninilchik to Wasilla Talkeetna to Juneau Skagway to Vancouver Vancouver Island to Kamloops Kamloops to Calgary Halifax to Prince Edward Island Springhill Junction to Quebec City Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre to Winnipeg Portage la Prairie to Saskatoon Edmonton to Jasper Vancouver Vancouver Island to San Juan Island Port Moody to Kamloops Kamloops to Banff Calgary Winnipeg Portage La Prairie to Watrous Saskatoon Edmonton Hinton to Jasper
Great American Railroad Journeys - Season 4 Episode 4 Vancouver Island to Kamloops
Year: 2020
United Kingdom
Michael Portillo