Michael Portillo embarks on a second spectacular rail journey through Alaska into Canada on the White Pass and Yukon railway. Arriving in Skagway by seaplane from railwayless Juneau, Michael heads first for Dyea and the Chilkoot trail, which the first gold prospectors hiked 100 years ago to the Klondike. Among them, he discovers, was author Jack London, whose stories of sled dogs captured the spirit of the gold rush. In the puppy pen of a sled dog training camp, a dog musher tells Michael how huskies helped to build Alaska and gives him an insight into how the dogs continue to work and race today. Boarding the 52-mile railway, built in 1898, which climbs 2,600 feet before dropping to the head of Canada’s Lake Bennett, Michael looks forward to beautiful scenery on a railway laden with history. At the lake, Michael meets an indigenous guide to hear of the role of First Nations people in the stampede for gold.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Ninilchik to Wasilla Talkeetna to Juneau Skagway to Vancouver Vancouver Island to Kamloops Kamloops to Calgary Halifax to Prince Edward Island Springhill Junction to Quebec City Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre to Winnipeg Portage la Prairie to Saskatoon Edmonton to Jasper Vancouver Vancouver Island to San Juan Island Port Moody to Kamloops Kamloops to Banff Calgary Winnipeg Portage La Prairie to Watrous Saskatoon Edmonton Hinton to Jasper
Ninilchik to Wasilla Talkeetna to Juneau Skagway to Vancouver Vancouver Island to Kamloops Kamloops to Calgary Halifax to Prince Edward Island Springhill Junction to Quebec City Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre to Winnipeg Portage la Prairie to Saskatoon Edmonton to Jasper Vancouver Vancouver Island to San Juan Island Port Moody to Kamloops Kamloops to Banff Calgary Winnipeg Portage La Prairie to Watrous Saskatoon Edmonton Hinton to Jasper
Great American Railroad Journeys - Season 4 Episode 3 Skagway to Vancouver
Year: 2020
United Kingdom
Michael Portillo