In a flashback, Pinocchio, a young child, commits his first murder under the auspices of his foster father Cristiano. In the present, he finishes an assassination for the Padania Republic Faction (PRF). The leaders of the PRF, including Cristiano, meet to plan a bombing on the Strait of Messina Bridge, and they enlist the aid of Franco and Franca, a pair of terrorist bombers, to destroy the bridge, with Pinocchio assisting them. Franca is surprised at Pinocchio's social awkwardness, especially when he fails to identify that her car is a Alfa Romeo Giulietta. Afterwards, Pinocchio tells Aurora, a girl living near him, to stay away from him. At the Section 2 headquarters, Hilshire and Marco observe Angelica, Marco's partner, and Rico, as Hilshire prepares to leave on a mission with Triela in Montalcino.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
The Distance Between Two People - Brothers and Sisters Pinocchio Simulacra Angelica's Return Transience and Reminiscence Retirement of the Tibetan Terrier Caterina and the Circle of Revenge A Day in the Life of Claes Clever Snake, Simple Pigeon Flowers of Goodwill Budding Feelings The Fighting Puppet And So Pinocchio Becomes Human
The Distance Between Two People - Brothers and Sisters Pinocchio Simulacra Angelica's Return Transience and Reminiscence Retirement of the Tibetan Terrier Caterina and the Circle of Revenge A Day in the Life of Claes Clever Snake, Simple Pigeon Flowers of Goodwill Budding Feelings The Fighting Puppet And So Pinocchio Becomes Human