In March 1950, Stalin finally approves Kim Il-sung’s plans for an invasion of South Korea. But why now? Today Indy looks at the wider Cold War context that fed into Stalin and Mao Zedong’s decision making. He also examines whether the lack of a clear and public commitment from the US to defend the Asian theatre helped to invite the invasion.
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The Korean War, forgotten no longer! The Korean War Channel Trailer The Korean War with Indy Neidell begins in 30 minutes! UN Planes Massacre Korean Civilians - War Against Humanity 001 How The USA and USSR Divided Korea in 1945 - A Nation Divided, Part One The Dramatic Birth of Two Korean States Did South Korea Provoke the Korean War? Did US Indecision Encourage Stalin in Korea?
The Korean War, forgotten no longer! The Korean War Channel Trailer The Korean War with Indy Neidell begins in 30 minutes! UN Planes Massacre Korean Civilians - War Against Humanity 001 How The USA and USSR Divided Korea in 1945 - A Nation Divided, Part One The Dramatic Birth of Two Korean States Did South Korea Provoke the Korean War? Did US Indecision Encourage Stalin in Korea?