Was South Korea on the verge of invading North Korea in 1949? Today Indy looks at the bloody fighting across the Korean border in the years leading up to war. Then he asks the question, why did Kim finally decide to invade South Korea in the early months of 1950?
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The Korean War, forgotten no longer! The Korean War Channel Trailer The Korean War with Indy Neidell begins in 30 minutes! UN Planes Massacre Korean Civilians - War Against Humanity 001 How The USA and USSR Divided Korea in 1945 - A Nation Divided, Part One The Dramatic Birth of Two Korean States Did South Korea Provoke the Korean War? Did US Indecision Encourage Stalin in Korea?
The Korean War, forgotten no longer! The Korean War Channel Trailer The Korean War with Indy Neidell begins in 30 minutes! UN Planes Massacre Korean Civilians - War Against Humanity 001 How The USA and USSR Divided Korea in 1945 - A Nation Divided, Part One The Dramatic Birth of Two Korean States Did South Korea Provoke the Korean War? Did US Indecision Encourage Stalin in Korea?