A video from John Lumic orders the "upgrade" of humans to Cybermen to commence around the world. This is followed by an animated diagram of a "Skin to Metal Upgrade" and a Cyberman being instructed by Lumic to "delete" all incompatible humans.
Season 1
Prelude to New Earth Prelude to Tooth and Claw Prelude to School Reunion Prelude to the Girl in the Fireplace Prelude to Rise of the Cybermen Prelude to the Age of Steel Prelude to the Idiot's Lantern Prelude to the Impossible Planet Prelude to the Satan Pit Prelude to Love & Monsters Prelude to Fear Her Prelude to Army of Ghosts Prelude to Doomsday
Prelude to New Earth Prelude to Tooth and Claw Prelude to School Reunion Prelude to the Girl in the Fireplace Prelude to Rise of the Cybermen Prelude to the Age of Steel Prelude to the Idiot's Lantern Prelude to the Impossible Planet Prelude to the Satan Pit Prelude to Love & Monsters Prelude to Fear Her Prelude to Army of Ghosts Prelude to Doomsday