A mysterious figure is using a laptop to access a website titled L.I.N.D.A . It shows a hand-drawn sketch of the Doctor and the text "Who Is the Doctor?" followed by "Have You Seen Him?". The user clicks on the "Join L.I.N.D.A." button, causing the picture to change to a sketch of several people in a room, with the caption: "WE HAVE!" Text appears that reads "Last Updated - WHOOPS. Ages ago, sorry - ELTON". The user clicks again on "Join L.I.N.D.A.", which makes the screen display the following text: "But L.I.N.D.A. is a secret organisation. So we can't tell you where - If you need us...You'll find us." The user points a strange silver object at the laptop, which changes the display to read "PRIMITIVE COMPUTER PAGE". The screen displays a map and text saying "TRACK SOURCE".
Season 1
Prelude to New Earth Prelude to Tooth and Claw Prelude to School Reunion Prelude to the Girl in the Fireplace Prelude to Rise of the Cybermen Prelude to the Age of Steel Prelude to the Idiot's Lantern Prelude to the Impossible Planet Prelude to the Satan Pit Prelude to Love & Monsters Prelude to Fear Her Prelude to Army of Ghosts Prelude to Doomsday
Prelude to New Earth Prelude to Tooth and Claw Prelude to School Reunion Prelude to the Girl in the Fireplace Prelude to Rise of the Cybermen Prelude to the Age of Steel Prelude to the Idiot's Lantern Prelude to the Impossible Planet Prelude to the Satan Pit Prelude to Love & Monsters Prelude to Fear Her Prelude to Army of Ghosts Prelude to Doomsday