Kindaichi Hajime is a high school student and a private detective with an IQ of 180. He solves murder cases that are riddled with difficult clues. Kindaichi Hajime works with his childhood friend Nanase Miyuki and Kenmochi Isamu. Kenmochi Isamu is now the chief inspector of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.
Season 1
School's Seven Mysteries Murder Case Siren Island Murder Case (Part 1) Siren Island Murder Case (Part 2) White Snake Sake Brewery Murder Case Toilet of Hanako Murder Case Murder Committed by Young Kindaichi Murder Committed by Young Kindaichi: Conclusion Head Hunter Case Murder by The Phantom of the Opera Murder by The Phantom of the Opera: Conclusion
School's Seven Mysteries Murder Case Siren Island Murder Case (Part 1) Siren Island Murder Case (Part 2) White Snake Sake Brewery Murder Case Toilet of Hanako Murder Case Murder Committed by Young Kindaichi Murder Committed by Young Kindaichi: Conclusion Head Hunter Case Murder by The Phantom of the Opera Murder by The Phantom of the Opera: Conclusion