Sacred Love Island Murder Case, also known as Seiren Island Murder Case (聖恋島殺人事件 Seiren-tou Satsujin Jiken), is the second and the third episode of the fifth generation of TV Drama series The Files of Young Kindaichi. It adapts the story arc of the Sacred Love Island Murder Case from the Returns Series. In these episodes, Hajime Kindaichi, Miyuki Nanase, and Ryuta Saki invite by Inspector Kenmochi to assist him on a fishing tour at Seiren Island. When they arrived, the murder happened committed by a legendary Siren, the Sea Monster, that lived on that island.
Season 1
School's Seven Mysteries Murder Case Siren Island Murder Case (Part 1) Siren Island Murder Case (Part 2) White Snake Sake Brewery Murder Case Toilet of Hanako Murder Case Murder Committed by Young Kindaichi Murder Committed by Young Kindaichi: Conclusion Head Hunter Case Murder by The Phantom of the Opera Murder by The Phantom of the Opera: Conclusion
School's Seven Mysteries Murder Case Siren Island Murder Case (Part 1) Siren Island Murder Case (Part 2) White Snake Sake Brewery Murder Case Toilet of Hanako Murder Case Murder Committed by Young Kindaichi Murder Committed by Young Kindaichi: Conclusion Head Hunter Case Murder by The Phantom of the Opera Murder by The Phantom of the Opera: Conclusion