Children's Questions Repeat of a sequence from the episode The Doors Open: What is prejudice? Storytelling Time Maria Tallchief, a famous Native American ballet dancer, tells to children of several tribes the story of how the mockingbird gave out calls to other birds. The Big Game Hunt Cricket Wicket and Ringolivio go to Alaska for a try at snow football. They also learn the Eskimo words that describe snow. Make a New Friend Frances Iyakitan, a seven-year-old Eskimo, narrates a photo sequence of her life in Anchorage, Alaska. How Do You Find Yourself? Robbie and Chris introduce a series of drawings that show how Native Americans' lives have changed. This sequence includes a few poems (not the poems heard in the episode It's Show Time!). Nigel Repeat of a sequence from the episode Crash Landing: Martin's friend Pat Barrington claims Nigel bit him. Scott is called on to clear the air. Woody the Spoon Woody has a Korean marinade called bul ko ki. Luther Repeat of a sequ
Season 1
Season 2
From a Pile of Planks Ready for Blast-Off Shooting Through Space Crash Landing The March to the Throne The Trail is Discovered Betty Surprises Them All Searching for Help A Staggering Shock Mamavek Makes an Offer The End of the Rainbow The Secret It's Show Time! A Tale of Woe Mirrors Don't Lie Playing the Game Collision Where is the Door? The Doors Open Collecting Clues Adding Up the Clues The Vanishing Door Space Spin Caught with the Loot Behind Bars Hategut Strikes Again The Showdown Back at Hategut's Hole Jewels of the Sky Windows to the Past The Final Voyage Hair Melanin Prejudice Genetics Differences Early Humans Accents Minority
From a Pile of Planks Ready for Blast-Off Shooting Through Space Crash Landing The March to the Throne The Trail is Discovered Betty Surprises Them All Searching for Help A Staggering Shock Mamavek Makes an Offer The End of the Rainbow The Secret It's Show Time! A Tale of Woe Mirrors Don't Lie Playing the Game Collision Where is the Door? The Doors Open Collecting Clues Adding Up the Clues The Vanishing Door Space Spin Caught with the Loot Behind Bars Hategut Strikes Again The Showdown Back at Hategut's Hole Jewels of the Sky Windows to the Past The Final Voyage Hair Melanin Prejudice Genetics Differences Early Humans Accents Minority