The series recounts five difficult years in the life of young Sophie who goes on the conquer the world, endowed with exceptional character and vivacity. By overcoming numerous trials and tribulations, she will reveal her best qualities.
Season 1
The Candied Fruits The Birthday The Sewing Box The Doll's Funeral The Donkey Sophie And The Animals The Departure The Wreck Louisiana The Cruel Stepmother Return to France The Flowers The Stolen Pears The Stolen Syrup The Penance Cabinet A Winter In Paris The Redbreast The Lecomtes Lost In The Woods The Cousins The Hollow Tree The Islands Paul's Return The Chinese Lanterns The Ghosts The Weddings
The Candied Fruits The Birthday The Sewing Box The Doll's Funeral The Donkey Sophie And The Animals The Departure The Wreck Louisiana The Cruel Stepmother Return to France The Flowers The Stolen Pears The Stolen Syrup The Penance Cabinet A Winter In Paris The Redbreast The Lecomtes Lost In The Woods The Cousins The Hollow Tree The Islands Paul's Return The Chinese Lanterns The Ghosts The Weddings