In Star century Zero-One-Sixty-Five, the Global Union was born. The G.O.T.T. was simultaneously formed to settle disputes amongst the member planets. Existing in the shadows, the ES Force serves as the primary law enforcement organization, seeing that the Galactic Organization’s orders are enforced. ES Force members Éclair and Lumiere are on the front line, pursuing all manner of criminals and bringing them to justice. This is their story.
Season 0
Season 1
Depth/Space Tight/Bind Prisoner/Escort High/Speed Day/Off Twin/Star Trial/Child Forbidden/Instrument Mirage/Snare Rebirth/Slave Set/Free Frozen/Life Conflict/Destiny Steel/Heart Break/Down Look/Back Phantasm/Reborn Unmasked/Face Take/Revenge Lost/Days Nouvlesse/Ark Demolition/Titan Annihilation/Zero As Time Goes By
Depth/Space Tight/Bind Prisoner/Escort High/Speed Day/Off Twin/Star Trial/Child Forbidden/Instrument Mirage/Snare Rebirth/Slave Set/Free Frozen/Life Conflict/Destiny Steel/Heart Break/Down Look/Back Phantasm/Reborn Unmasked/Face Take/Revenge Lost/Days Nouvlesse/Ark Demolition/Titan Annihilation/Zero As Time Goes By