Production begins on the Eizouken's new robot anime, and improving on their last work means expanding the club's reach. Asakusa struggles to convey her instructions to the art club, who are going to help with the backgrounds this time around, while a run-in with the student council puts a prospective new ally in Kanamori's sights.
Season 0
Season 1
The Greatest World! The Eizouken Takes the Stage! Let's Accomplish Something! Hold That Machete Tight! An Iron Giant Appears! Let's Do Better Than Last Time! I Have To Do It For Myself! The Grand Shibahama Festival! Aim for Comet A! Against Our Independent World! Each Other's Existence! Shibahama UFO Wars!
The Greatest World! The Eizouken Takes the Stage! Let's Accomplish Something! Hold That Machete Tight! An Iron Giant Appears! Let's Do Better Than Last Time! I Have To Do It For Myself! The Grand Shibahama Festival! Aim for Comet A! Against Our Independent World! Each Other's Existence! Shibahama UFO Wars!