After having built a fort on the island of Hispaniola and assigned volunteers, Columbus begins his trip back to Spain, at which point he meets a violent storm, nearly rendering him shipwrecked. Eventually, the Niña returns to Lisbon, and Columbus is received by King Joao II who supplies him with the necessary help to repair the ship before setting out for Palos.
Season 1
Columbus the Sailor Is Born The First Voyage Giovanni Risks His Life to Save the Ship Adrift Resolution in Portugal, Kingdom of Voyages Columbus learns of Marco Polo and Toscanelli His First Exploration Voyage Columbus Meets Felipa Marriage Columbus Resolves to Make a Westward Voyage The First Setback A Helping Hand The First Steps Towards Realization of the Exploratory Audience With the King and Queen Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope The End of Reconquista The Plan Is Rejected! The Plan Is Approved! Columbus Meets Pinzon The Fleet Sets Sail Escape from Sargasso Land Is Discovered Pinzon Rebels A Storm Blocks the Return Home King Joao Imposes Restrictions Columbus's Triumphant Return
Columbus the Sailor Is Born The First Voyage Giovanni Risks His Life to Save the Ship Adrift Resolution in Portugal, Kingdom of Voyages Columbus learns of Marco Polo and Toscanelli His First Exploration Voyage Columbus Meets Felipa Marriage Columbus Resolves to Make a Westward Voyage The First Setback A Helping Hand The First Steps Towards Realization of the Exploratory Audience With the King and Queen Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope The End of Reconquista The Plan Is Rejected! The Plan Is Approved! Columbus Meets Pinzon The Fleet Sets Sail Escape from Sargasso Land Is Discovered Pinzon Rebels A Storm Blocks the Return Home King Joao Imposes Restrictions Columbus's Triumphant Return