Fearless, free-spirited Hilda finds new friends, adventure and magical creatures when she leaves her enchanted forest home and journeys to the city.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Chapter 1: The Troll Circle Chapter 2: The Draugen Chapter 3: The Witch Chapter 4: The Eternal Warriors Chapter 5: The Windmill Chapter 6: The Old Bells of Trolberg Chapter 7: The Beast of Cauldron Island Chapter 8: The Fifty Year Night Chapter 9: The Deerfox Chapter 10: The Yule Lads Chapter 11: The Jorts Incident Chapter 12: The Replacement Chapter 13: The Stone Forest
Chapter 1: The Troll Circle Chapter 2: The Draugen Chapter 3: The Witch Chapter 4: The Eternal Warriors Chapter 5: The Windmill Chapter 6: The Old Bells of Trolberg Chapter 7: The Beast of Cauldron Island Chapter 8: The Fifty Year Night Chapter 9: The Deerfox Chapter 10: The Yule Lads Chapter 11: The Jorts Incident Chapter 12: The Replacement Chapter 13: The Stone Forest