The story focuses on a group of moms who all have children around the same age. These women form a bond through sharing their anxieties about raising their children, each coming from a different background. However, the friendship between the five women also turns to jealousy and betrayal, due to the fact that their children are all taking similar entrance exams for elementary school.
Season 1
The start of the war between the women! Welcome to the mother-friends hell… Chilling reunion Now, the family bond is tested A punishiment for the cat burglar Red tears of the entrance exam crazy moms Then it came upon us, the ultimate crisis After hitting rock-bottom, the escape begins The kindergarten's biggest scandal Your true enemy is right beside you now The smile behind the lie and betrayal The five women, their final answer
The start of the war between the women! Welcome to the mother-friends hell… Chilling reunion Now, the family bond is tested A punishiment for the cat burglar Red tears of the entrance exam crazy moms Then it came upon us, the ultimate crisis After hitting rock-bottom, the escape begins The kindergarten's biggest scandal Your true enemy is right beside you now The smile behind the lie and betrayal The five women, their final answer