Chisa Yukizome, a former student at Hope's Peak Academy gets hired as a new teacher for Class 1 - B. However, most of the students didn't show up for class, leaving Chisa, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Hiyoko Saionji, Mahiru Koizumi, Sonia Nevermind and Mikan Tsumiki to look for them. But things can get pretty crazy when the Ultimates are at play.
Season 1
Hello Again, Hope's Peak High School My Impurest Heart for You A Farewell to All Futures The Melancholy, Surprise, and Disappearance of Nagito Komaeda Beginning of the End A Despairfully Fateful Encounter The Biggest, Most Atrocious Incident in Hope's Peak High School's History The Worst Reunion by Chance Chisa Yukizome Doesn't Smile Smile at Despair in the Name of Hope Goodbye, Hope's Peak High School
Hello Again, Hope's Peak High School My Impurest Heart for You A Farewell to All Futures The Melancholy, Surprise, and Disappearance of Nagito Komaeda Beginning of the End A Despairfully Fateful Encounter The Biggest, Most Atrocious Incident in Hope's Peak High School's History The Worst Reunion by Chance Chisa Yukizome Doesn't Smile Smile at Despair in the Name of Hope Goodbye, Hope's Peak High School