In Fashion Models, Denny commentates on the Security Guard Fashion Show. In Let's Make a Date, Denny must choose from a Spanish game show host (Wayne), an inept lap dancer (Colin), and a man in traction after an accident caused by Denny (Ryan). In Narrate, Colin and Ryan act out a film noir scene at a bus stop. Film Dub has Ryan, Denny, and Colin improvising an announcement at the airline office. In Film, Theatre and Television Styles, Wayne is an upstart young pool hustler challenging Ryan, the veteran pool guy. In Hey, You Down There!, Denny narrates for Ryan and Colin in “How to Cope with Problems on a Long Road Trip.” In Props, it's Ryan and Denny vs. Colin and Wayne. Finally, the entire gang, except Drew, sing another Blind Date Hoedown.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Denny Siegel Chip Esten Brad Sherwood & Patrick Bristow Greg Proops Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Denny Siegel Brad Sherwood Stephen Colbert Greg Proops Brad Sherwood Brad Sherwood Denny Siegel Brad Sherwood & Ian Gomez Brad Sherwood & Patrick Bristow Greg Proops Kathy Greenwood Jeff Davis Greg Proops Brad Sherwood Greg Proops & Denny Siegel
Denny Siegel Chip Esten Brad Sherwood & Patrick Bristow Greg Proops Kathy Greenwood Brad Sherwood Denny Siegel Brad Sherwood Stephen Colbert Greg Proops Brad Sherwood Brad Sherwood Denny Siegel Brad Sherwood & Ian Gomez Brad Sherwood & Patrick Bristow Greg Proops Kathy Greenwood Jeff Davis Greg Proops Brad Sherwood Greg Proops & Denny Siegel