The Kanagawa Prefectural begins as Eiichirō faces off against Araya's new underclassman Nishimura. Araya has told Nishimura all of Eiichirō's weaknesses from the year before, making Nishimura very confident in his chances of winning.
Season 1
Season 2
The World and the Wall A Vicious Circle is Lucky Data for the Future Awakening to Simplicity Takuma's Decision First Encounter by Scouting Revenge at the Critical Moment The Speed of Evolution Baffled by Intuition Start With a Roar Choices and Explosive Power Full Force Toward Adversity Gathering of Rivals Moonlight and the Sound of Waves A Hero and Loud Cheers Whish, Then Fwoom Dramatic by Nature Visualize the Pressure A Rude First Meeting Psychological Warfare and Self-Control Good, Evil, and Rules Existence is the Driving Force Aggressive is Ideal Recklessness and Surprise Final Set
The World and the Wall A Vicious Circle is Lucky Data for the Future Awakening to Simplicity Takuma's Decision First Encounter by Scouting Revenge at the Critical Moment The Speed of Evolution Baffled by Intuition Start With a Roar Choices and Explosive Power Full Force Toward Adversity Gathering of Rivals Moonlight and the Sound of Waves A Hero and Loud Cheers Whish, Then Fwoom Dramatic by Nature Visualize the Pressure A Rude First Meeting Psychological Warfare and Self-Control Good, Evil, and Rules Existence is the Driving Force Aggressive is Ideal Recklessness and Surprise Final Set