In order to stop the mysterious "Penguin Empire" from interfering with world peace, secret organization "Prince Beauty Parlor" has developed a giant robot that is powered by a rare special energy source called "Hi-ERo particles." Organization member Kyōko Sonan has located an ordinary high school student, Kōichi Madanbashi, with high amounts of Hi-ERo particles, making him a suitable candidate to pilot of the giant robot. But there is only one way to release his particles: allow Madanbashi to persuade him with lewd behavior.
Season 0
Season 1
Fondle! Daimidaler Goes Into Action! Danger! The Stolen Sun Menace! Fiery Jake Appears! Six's Challenge Mad Dance! The Fearsome Penguin Flyers Arrival! Shouma and Kiriko Hurrah! Antarctic Number 11 Appears Convenient! Electric Toothbrush Warning! The Closed Gate Invoke! Joseph's Symbol Distraction! The Emperor's Sexual Harassment Showdown! Sound Robots vs Daimidaler
Fondle! Daimidaler Goes Into Action! Danger! The Stolen Sun Menace! Fiery Jake Appears! Six's Challenge Mad Dance! The Fearsome Penguin Flyers Arrival! Shouma and Kiriko Hurrah! Antarctic Number 11 Appears Convenient! Electric Toothbrush Warning! The Closed Gate Invoke! Joseph's Symbol Distraction! The Emperor's Sexual Harassment Showdown! Sound Robots vs Daimidaler