One day, pervy high school student Madanbashi Kouichi finds himself pursued by a mysterious beauty and a gang of strange penguins. On top of that, a giant robot starts rampaging through town! Could Kouichi's Hi-ERO particles be the key to saving the city?
Season 0
Season 1
Fondle! Daimidaler Goes Into Action! Danger! The Stolen Sun Menace! Fiery Jake Appears! Six's Challenge Mad Dance! The Fearsome Penguin Flyers Arrival! Shouma and Kiriko Hurrah! Antarctic Number 11 Appears Convenient! Electric Toothbrush Warning! The Closed Gate Invoke! Joseph's Symbol Distraction! The Emperor's Sexual Harassment Showdown! Sound Robots vs Daimidaler
Fondle! Daimidaler Goes Into Action! Danger! The Stolen Sun Menace! Fiery Jake Appears! Six's Challenge Mad Dance! The Fearsome Penguin Flyers Arrival! Shouma and Kiriko Hurrah! Antarctic Number 11 Appears Convenient! Electric Toothbrush Warning! The Closed Gate Invoke! Joseph's Symbol Distraction! The Emperor's Sexual Harassment Showdown! Sound Robots vs Daimidaler