As the war between the Shin-Oh and the Tai-Koh Reigons begins, Erin is called to the palace by Dahmiyah. While in there, he orders Erin to create a battalion of Ohju to use for the war. Erin refuses to breed the Ohju for war, due to the fear of repeating the mistake of the First Shin-Oh Je. Erin tells Dahmiyah that she is an "Akun Meh Chai" a "Child of Impossibilities" because Erin herself is a child of a Tohda breeding man and a woman of the Mist People, two people that were said to never be able to be together. She tells Dahmiyah that only she can control the Ohju, and successfully demonstrates it. Dahmiyah tells Erin to continue to breed the Ohju battalion or else the people of Kazalm will be sentenced to death, as well as Erin's best friend, Yuuyan.
Season 0
Season 1
Erin the Green-Eyed Soh-Yon the Healer The Battling Beast Secret in the Mist Erin and the Egg Thief Soh-Yon's Warmth Mother's Whistle Joh-on the Beekeeper Honey and Erin Dawn of the Bird Inside the Door The Silver Feather The Valley of the Ohju People of the Mist The Two's Pasts Ia-lu the Seh-zan Shin-Oh in Danger Master Esal Friends at Kazalm The Ohju Named Lilan The Disappearing Light The Harp's Sound The Oath of Kazalm Song of Grief An Errand for Two Lilan's Heart Fallen into Hikara Joh-on's Death The Beast's Fangs The Fourth Winter Luminous Sky The Great Crime Flying Ia-lu and Erin A New Life The Graduation Test Birth Shin-Oh Harumiyah Tohda Attack A Nation in Shadow The Truth of the Shin-Oh Seimiyah's Tears Beast Healer Akun-Meh-Chai Bird in a Cage Bond Between the Two Pure Night Dawn of Ryoza Final Battle Beast Player
Erin the Green-Eyed Soh-Yon the Healer The Battling Beast Secret in the Mist Erin and the Egg Thief Soh-Yon's Warmth Mother's Whistle Joh-on the Beekeeper Honey and Erin Dawn of the Bird Inside the Door The Silver Feather The Valley of the Ohju People of the Mist The Two's Pasts Ia-lu the Seh-zan Shin-Oh in Danger Master Esal Friends at Kazalm The Ohju Named Lilan The Disappearing Light The Harp's Sound The Oath of Kazalm Song of Grief An Errand for Two Lilan's Heart Fallen into Hikara Joh-on's Death The Beast's Fangs The Fourth Winter Luminous Sky The Great Crime Flying Ia-lu and Erin A New Life The Graduation Test Birth Shin-Oh Harumiyah Tohda Attack A Nation in Shadow The Truth of the Shin-Oh Seimiyah's Tears Beast Healer Akun-Meh-Chai Bird in a Cage Bond Between the Two Pure Night Dawn of Ryoza Final Battle Beast Player