In the decades following World War II, the United States led the way in shaping the world order. Since the end of the Cold War, old alliances have fractured and new rivalries have arisen, resulting in a world increasingly in disarray, where weak states threaten global stability just as much as strong ones do. VICE founder Suroosh Alvi and other VICE correspondents (Producers) examine the foreign policies that have shaped the modern world and meet people living through today's major conflicts in this exclusive HBO presentation that features interviews with Condoleezza Rice, Tony Blair, Samantha Power, Ash Carter and others.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
What is VICE? (Extended) Assassination Nation: Backyard Gunshop (Extended) World's Most Dangerous Border: Bajaur Raid (Extended) World's Most Dangerous Border: Pakistani Dress Up (Extended) Escape from North Korea: Hanawon Resettlement Center (Extended) European Meltdown: Germany's Far Right (Extended) European Meltdown: The New Face of French Nationalism (Extended) Mormon Lost Boys: Lorin's Story (Extended) China's Ghost Towns: Strolling the Thames (Extended) Egypt on the Brink: Women Under Assault (Extended) Underground Heroin Clinic: Bwiti Naming Ceremony (Extended) Tobaccoland: Anti-Smoking Rally (Extended) The World is Sinking: Preventative Measures: (Extended) Senegalese Laamb Wrestling: Marabout Ritual (Extended) Chiraq: Global Gangsters (Extended) Nigeria's Oil Pirates: The Curse of Oil (Extended) Basketball Diplomacy: Lunch with the North Korean Team (Extended) The Hosts Extended Featurette VICE Special Report: Killing Cancer VICE Special Report: Fixing The System VICE Special Report: Countdown to Zero VICE Special Report: Fighting ISIS VICE Special Report: A House Divided VICE Special Report: A World in Disarray Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis
What is VICE? (Extended) Assassination Nation: Backyard Gunshop (Extended) World's Most Dangerous Border: Bajaur Raid (Extended) World's Most Dangerous Border: Pakistani Dress Up (Extended) Escape from North Korea: Hanawon Resettlement Center (Extended) European Meltdown: Germany's Far Right (Extended) European Meltdown: The New Face of French Nationalism (Extended) Mormon Lost Boys: Lorin's Story (Extended) China's Ghost Towns: Strolling the Thames (Extended) Egypt on the Brink: Women Under Assault (Extended) Underground Heroin Clinic: Bwiti Naming Ceremony (Extended) Tobaccoland: Anti-Smoking Rally (Extended) The World is Sinking: Preventative Measures: (Extended) Senegalese Laamb Wrestling: Marabout Ritual (Extended) Chiraq: Global Gangsters (Extended) Nigeria's Oil Pirates: The Curse of Oil (Extended) Basketball Diplomacy: Lunch with the North Korean Team (Extended) The Hosts Extended Featurette VICE Special Report: Killing Cancer VICE Special Report: Fixing The System VICE Special Report: Countdown to Zero VICE Special Report: Fighting ISIS VICE Special Report: A House Divided VICE Special Report: A World in Disarray Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis