The club hosts an unofficial tournament, the Taichi Cup, to celebrate Taichi's birthday! Chihaya planned the event in hopes of cheering up Taichi, and she managed to gather 36 participants. The tournament is held in the style of a Genpei match, with competitors facing off in teams of three. Taichi is reminded of when he, Chihaya, and Arata used to play together in elementary school. Certain things have changed since then, but certain feelings haven't...
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
May it be that I find The hazed early dawn light comes not from the moon But from the crystal white snow of Yoshino Nobody wishes to see Mount Amanokagu Tatsuta River Ablaze The storm blasts As friends and strangers I recall how my own efforts were in vain Scarlet kadsuras Leaving a hovering mist above the trees and grass So the flower petals are scattered like the snow by the passing storm Yet it is I who withers and wilts The emotions experienced As helpless autumn leaves are caught against the flow Takes me away in haste As my sleeves are wet with dew The storm will soon carry me Bring a life of everlasting love May the scarlet kadsuras To restore my faith Just as my beauty has faded Like a boatsman adrift When winds send waves crashing
May it be that I find The hazed early dawn light comes not from the moon But from the crystal white snow of Yoshino Nobody wishes to see Mount Amanokagu Tatsuta River Ablaze The storm blasts As friends and strangers I recall how my own efforts were in vain Scarlet kadsuras Leaving a hovering mist above the trees and grass So the flower petals are scattered like the snow by the passing storm Yet it is I who withers and wilts The emotions experienced As helpless autumn leaves are caught against the flow Takes me away in haste As my sleeves are wet with dew The storm will soon carry me Bring a life of everlasting love May the scarlet kadsuras To restore my faith Just as my beauty has faded Like a boatsman adrift When winds send waves crashing