Kinnikuman (real name Suguru Kinniku), is a clumsy, foolish, comical superhero who discovers that he is the missing prince of the planet Kinniku (known for producing the greatest superheroes in the universe). Since he is a clumsy fool, however, he must prove himself worthy of the throne. To do so he enters wrestling competitions and battles evil Chojin.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
The 7 Justice Supermen vs. The Space Samurais The Stolen Championship Belt Great Riot! Justice Chojin Justice Chojin vs. Ancient Chojin Counter-Attack! The Underground Space Chojin! Hour of Triumph! Justice Superman Crisis in New York! Justice Supermen vs. Fighter Supermen
The 7 Justice Supermen vs. The Space Samurais The Stolen Championship Belt Great Riot! Justice Chojin Justice Chojin vs. Ancient Chojin Counter-Attack! The Underground Space Chojin! Hour of Triumph! Justice Superman Crisis in New York! Justice Supermen vs. Fighter Supermen