The life of Gumball Watterson, a 12-year old cat who attends middle school in Elmore. Accompanied by his pet, adoptive brother, and best friend Darwin Watterson, he frequently finds himself involved in various shenanigans around the city, during which he interacts with various family members: Anais, Richard, and Nicole Watterson, and other various citizens.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Early Reel Waiting for Gumball: Cool To Be Felt Waiting for Gumball: Pineapple Waiting for Gumball: Infinite Loop Waiting for Gumball: Weird Food Waiting for Gumball: BirdPlaneBird Waiting for Gumball: Gnomes Waiting for Gumball: Insulting Voices Waiting for Gumball: Beards Waiting for Gumball: Grump Waiting for Gumball: Spoons Waiting for Gumball: Telly Waiting for Gumball: Cleaning Up Waiting for Gumball: Bored Darwin's Yearbook: Banana Joe Darwin's Yearbook: Clayton Darwin's Yearbook: Carrie Darwin's Yearbook: Alan Darwin's Yearbook: Sarah Darwin's Yearbook: Teachers The Gumball Chronicles: The Curse of Elmore The Gumball Chronicles: Vote Gumball… and Penny? The Gumball Chronicles: Vote Gumball… and Leslie? The Gumball Chronicles: Vote Gumball… and Bobert? The Gumball Chronicles: Vote Gumball… and Anyone? The Gumball Chronicles: Ancestor Act The Gumball Chronicles: Mother's Day The Gumball Chronicles: Elmore's Most Wanted
Early Reel Waiting for Gumball: Cool To Be Felt Waiting for Gumball: Pineapple Waiting for Gumball: Infinite Loop Waiting for Gumball: Weird Food Waiting for Gumball: BirdPlaneBird Waiting for Gumball: Gnomes Waiting for Gumball: Insulting Voices Waiting for Gumball: Beards Waiting for Gumball: Grump Waiting for Gumball: Spoons Waiting for Gumball: Telly Waiting for Gumball: Cleaning Up Waiting for Gumball: Bored Darwin's Yearbook: Banana Joe Darwin's Yearbook: Clayton Darwin's Yearbook: Carrie Darwin's Yearbook: Alan Darwin's Yearbook: Sarah Darwin's Yearbook: Teachers The Gumball Chronicles: The Curse of Elmore The Gumball Chronicles: Vote Gumball… and Penny? The Gumball Chronicles: Vote Gumball… and Leslie? The Gumball Chronicles: Vote Gumball… and Bobert? The Gumball Chronicles: Vote Gumball… and Anyone? The Gumball Chronicles: Ancestor Act The Gumball Chronicles: Mother's Day The Gumball Chronicles: Elmore's Most Wanted