In the Kanto region of Japan, seven high schools take place in a turf war for territorial supremacy: Nanyo Academy, Kyosho Academy, Seito Academy, Yoshu Academy, Rakuyo High School, Gogun High School, and Yoshu Private School. The fighters of each school bear the sacred jewels called magatama, which contains the essence of warriors from the Three Kingdoms era of Ancient China 1800 years ago, as well as their fates.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
The Movements of a Newborn Dragon's Spirit Awakening of the Devil King Dripping Blood, Shedding Tears Chance Meeting Between Two Dragons Cruel Toushi An Encounter with the Crouching Dragon Kanu's Surrender A Minor Leader's Glorious Defeat Shattered Friendship Koukin's Vissitude The War of Toushi Chibi Ablaze!
The Movements of a Newborn Dragon's Spirit Awakening of the Devil King Dripping Blood, Shedding Tears Chance Meeting Between Two Dragons Cruel Toushi An Encounter with the Crouching Dragon Kanu's Surrender A Minor Leader's Glorious Defeat Shattered Friendship Koukin's Vissitude The War of Toushi Chibi Ablaze!