Tangean noble Lord Angstrom tries to get Mira to wed Fop Doppler, a fairly minor member of the Tangean noble clique (and fairly snooty) so as to provide a distraction as a band of Tangean ""Grounders"" attack and allow for Lord Angstrom to overthrow Mira's father. The Grounders are a humanoid race that shares the planet Tangea with the race that Mira is native to. While the blue-skinned, svelte, and fairly bourgeois Tangeans (""Tangean Blue-bloods"") have the psychic ability to phase through solid objects (...aka...""ghosting""...), the taupe-skinned, stocky, and fairly proletarian Tangeans (""Tangean Grounders"") have the psychic ability to project focused force-blasts (...aka...""boom-boom""...). For some reason, the native psychic abilities of both Tangean races are nullified if either race is in close proximity to the other. In hopes of avoiding marriage, Mira invokes a law requiring Fop to submit to a ""Challenge of Worth"". She selects Ranger Academy basic training
Season 1
The Torque Armada Gravitina XL Little Secrets Inside Job NOS-4-A2 The Planet Destroyer The Beasts of Karn Tag Team The Main Event The Return of XL Lost in Time Strange Invasion The Taking of PC-7 Mindwarp Mira's Wedding Panic on Bathyos Shiv Katall Rookie of the Year Stress Test A Zoo Out There Root of Evil Super Nova Downloaded The Plasma Monster Wirewolf The Crawling Flesh Dirty Work The Slayer The Lightyear Factor Clone Rangers Bunzel Fever Rescue Mission Devolutionaries Head Case The Yukari Imprint The Shape Stealer Star Crossed Haunted Moon Star Smasher Stranger Invasion Eye of the Tempest Revenge of the Monsters Lone Wolf Planet of the Lost Revenge of the Raenoks Enemy Without a Face The Starthought Millennial Bugs Conspiracy At Large on a Small Planet Sunquake Good Ol' Buzz First Missions Large Target War and Peace and War Return to Karn Speed Trap Holiday Time Opposites Attract Ancient Evil 42
The Torque Armada Gravitina XL Little Secrets Inside Job NOS-4-A2 The Planet Destroyer The Beasts of Karn Tag Team The Main Event The Return of XL Lost in Time Strange Invasion The Taking of PC-7 Mindwarp Mira's Wedding Panic on Bathyos Shiv Katall Rookie of the Year Stress Test A Zoo Out There Root of Evil Super Nova Downloaded The Plasma Monster Wirewolf The Crawling Flesh Dirty Work The Slayer The Lightyear Factor Clone Rangers Bunzel Fever Rescue Mission Devolutionaries Head Case The Yukari Imprint The Shape Stealer Star Crossed Haunted Moon Star Smasher Stranger Invasion Eye of the Tempest Revenge of the Monsters Lone Wolf Planet of the Lost Revenge of the Raenoks Enemy Without a Face The Starthought Millennial Bugs Conspiracy At Large on a Small Planet Sunquake Good Ol' Buzz First Missions Large Target War and Peace and War Return to Karn Speed Trap Holiday Time Opposites Attract Ancient Evil 42
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Season 1 Episode 16 Mira's Wedding
Year: 2001
United States of America
Mark McCorkle, Bob Schooley