Too Late with Adam Carolla was a late night talk show hosted by Adam Carolla and produced by Jackhole Industries, a team made up of old collaborators: Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel, and Daniel Kellison. The show, which mixed celebrity interviews, chatty everyday observations, scripted sketches, and phone conversations with viewers, premiered on August 8, 2005 in the 11:30 p.m. time slot on Comedy Central. The show struggled to find an audience, averaging fewer than 700,000 viewers, a poor performance that Carolla jokingly acknowledged on air. On September 20, the show was moved to 12:00 and the live audience was dropped. The show got its highest ratings when Steve-O of Jackass and Wildboyz fame came onto the show intoxicated and tackled Adam while yelling obscenities. The last episode aired in November 2005.
Season 1
Crystal Method Buzz Aldrin Kevin Nealon Mark Zupan Louis C.K. Alex Borestein Chuck Anthony Anderson Drew Rosenhaus Matthew Lesko Sarah Silverman Ying Yang Twins Mark Hoppus Kathy Griffin Jeffery Ross Jimmy Kimmel Patrice O'Neal Bill Burr Jeff Garland Roseanne The Donnas Alec Baldwin Steve-O Carlos Mencia David Cross Bill Engvall Jeff Probst Harland Williams Seth MacFarlane Andy Milonakis Steve-O Danica Patrick Danny Bonaduce Andy Dick Dr. Drew Patton Oswalt Paul F Tompkins Marilyn Manson Lisa Lampanelli Bam Margera Ozzy Osbourne Michael Rapaport Charlie Murphy Zach Galifianakis David Allen Grier Carson Daly Jimmy Kimmel & Sarah Silverman Episode 48 Episode 49
Crystal Method Buzz Aldrin Kevin Nealon Mark Zupan Louis C.K. Alex Borestein Chuck Anthony Anderson Drew Rosenhaus Matthew Lesko Sarah Silverman Ying Yang Twins Mark Hoppus Kathy Griffin Jeffery Ross Jimmy Kimmel Patrice O'Neal Bill Burr Jeff Garland Roseanne The Donnas Alec Baldwin Steve-O Carlos Mencia David Cross Bill Engvall Jeff Probst Harland Williams Seth MacFarlane Andy Milonakis Steve-O Danica Patrick Danny Bonaduce Andy Dick Dr. Drew Patton Oswalt Paul F Tompkins Marilyn Manson Lisa Lampanelli Bam Margera Ozzy Osbourne Michael Rapaport Charlie Murphy Zach Galifianakis David Allen Grier Carson Daly Jimmy Kimmel & Sarah Silverman Episode 48 Episode 49
Too Late with Adam Carolla - Season 1
Year: 2005
Adam Carolla, Daniel Kellison
Adam Carolla, Burton Richardson