Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4
The Iron Giant Lady / Raising a New Hope Yawn Carter / Franklin and Crash Battleship vs. Titanic / Jurassic Parks and Rec Betty White and the Huntsman / Ancient Greek Mythbusters I Am Lorax / Modern Family Circus This Means War Machine / iCharlie The Mixed Martial Artist / Aquaman vs. Wild The Blunder Games / The Poop-seidon Adventure Average-ers / Legend of Dora Men In Black to the Future / Pokémon Of Interest Diary of a Wimpy Kid Icarus /The Adjustment Burro Taking Nemo / Once Upon a Toon Outtagascar / F·I·E·N·D·S The Amazing Spider-Minaj / Go, Dragon Ball, Go! FrankenWinnie / ParaMorgan Dark Knight at the Museum; Lemming Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Video Game Deaths Total Recall Me Maybe / Asgardigans Bourne Leg-a-Turkey / PilGrimm Here Comes the Doom; Brain Purge Fantastic Four Christmases; Red and White Collar The Hip Hobbit; The Monday Project The Perks of Being a Wall Crawler; Regular Shogun Warriors Twilight Breaking Down; GOllum On Life of Rhyme; Here Comes Yogi Boo Boo James Bond: Reply All; Randy Savage: 9th Grade Wrestler George Washington: Cherry Tree Chopper; Star Wars Earned Stripes Papa; 1600 Finn G.I. E.I. Joe; Dog With a Captain's Log The `S' Cape From Planet Earth; The X-Mentalist Po-Blivion; Umbrellamentary Jaws the Great and Powerful; Off Their Spockers Jacks the Giant Slayers; The Most Beautiful Voice The Flash and the Furious; Saved by Adele The Great Batsby; Big Time Gold Rush First White House Down; McDuck Dynasty After Bert; Downton Shaggy Lone Rango; Doctor Who's Line Is It Anyway? Iron Bland 3; Monsters Community Star Blecch Into Dumbness; Stark Tank The Flash and the Furious; Saved by Adele Pacific Ring; Horton Hears a Whodunnit World War ZZZZ; Shazam and Cat Doraline; Monster Mashville The Dullverine; Under the Dumb Still Hungry Games; Agents of S.M.U.R.F. Alfred's Game; We Are X-Men

MAD - Season 3 Episode 4 Betty White and the Huntsman / Ancient Greek Mythbusters

246 votes, average 81 out of 10 - 15 minutes

Queen Ravenna is shocked when her magic mirror informs her that Betty White is fairer than she and orders Eric the Huntsman to retrieve her heart. Eric goes to Betty White's office but chooses not to kill her since he enjoys Hot in Cleveland. Instead, he decides to train her to fight the Queen in battle. However, when they return to face Ravenna, they are greeted by the queen from Mirror Mirror. White laments over the idea the two Snow White films were released in the same year and regards the 1937 Disney film as the superior adaptation. / On the previous episode of MythBusters Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage managed to prove that time travel exists and have now found themselves trapped in ancient Greece. So they decide to do a special Greek episode and bust Greek mythology. However, their experiments create diasterous results. Fortunately Grant appears in a time machine to take the duo home. Perseus, however, takes the time instead and heads to the year 2015 where he lives it up hoverboarding until he is hit by hovercar. / Madvent Calendar, Crocodile has tears with award winner, Awake 'n Shake, Employees Must Wash Hands and Feet Before Returning to Work, R2-PO, Alfred E. Newman Presidential Campaign Ad. 20/80, Spy vs. Spy, and Man Falls Down From Ceiling

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