On a Christmas vacation, Woody and the gang end up on the island misfit toys. There they are greeted by King Moonracer and the other misfit toys who invite them to stay. Soon they find a mysterious door to a room with an old Commodore 64 and countdown clock. In song, the misfit toys explain that the clock counts down to either to Christmas or the end of the world and that they've never experienced Christmas as they reset the counter on December 24. Woody then suggest to allow the counter to reach the twenty-fifth. When day arrives, Santa appears offering to give the toys to new homes. Suddenly the abominable snowman appears with Yukon Cornelius who insists that the creature is harmless, but the creature eats Santa anyway and Cornelius resets the counter to the date of the creature's next bowel movement. / Santa decides to go undercover as one of the elves to see how hard their jobs are. Unfortunately, Santa proves to be very bad at the tasks given to him and ends up burning down the factory prompting him to have the elves go and buy gift cards in bulk. / Other Sketches: Mad News, Time Machine PSA, Tree Bazooka 9000, Rejected Reindeer, Security Cam: Kevin's House, Snowman vs. Wild, Spy vs. Spy, and Merry Christmas, Charlie Sheen!
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Rio-A / Thomas the Unstoppable Tank Engine Super '80s / Captain America Got Talent Kung Fu Blander / Destroy, Bob the Builder, Destroy Pirates of the Pair of Tweens / Konan the Kardashian Fast Hive / Minute to Flynn It Cowboys and Alien Force / Thunder LOLcats Transboremores 3: Dark of the Blue Moon / The Walking Fred X-Games First Class / Criminal Minecraft Kitchen Nightmare Before Christmas / How I Met Your Mummy Dances With Wolverine / Tater Tots & Tiaras Demise of the Planet of the Apes / The Ape-Rentice Money Ball Z / Green Care Bears Spy Vs Spy Kids / Superhero Millionaire Matchmaker Captain Ameri-can't / My Supernatural Sweet Sixteen Frost / Undercover Claw Twilight Staking Dawn / Cookie Blue WWE Bought a Zoo / 2 Broke Powerpuff Girls Dolphineas and Ferb Tale / VICTORious My Little War Horse / Tonight Show with Jay Lion-O Al Pacino and the Chipmunks / That's What Superfriends Are For Real Veal / Celebrity Wife Swamp Garfield of Dreams / I Hate My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Adventures of TaunTaun / Everyone Loves Rayman Potions 11 / Moves Like Jabba Addition Impossible / New Gill iChronicle / Hulk Smash
Rio-A / Thomas the Unstoppable Tank Engine Super '80s / Captain America Got Talent Kung Fu Blander / Destroy, Bob the Builder, Destroy Pirates of the Pair of Tweens / Konan the Kardashian Fast Hive / Minute to Flynn It Cowboys and Alien Force / Thunder LOLcats Transboremores 3: Dark of the Blue Moon / The Walking Fred X-Games First Class / Criminal Minecraft Kitchen Nightmare Before Christmas / How I Met Your Mummy Dances With Wolverine / Tater Tots & Tiaras Demise of the Planet of the Apes / The Ape-Rentice Money Ball Z / Green Care Bears Spy Vs Spy Kids / Superhero Millionaire Matchmaker Captain Ameri-can't / My Supernatural Sweet Sixteen Frost / Undercover Claw Twilight Staking Dawn / Cookie Blue WWE Bought a Zoo / 2 Broke Powerpuff Girls Dolphineas and Ferb Tale / VICTORious My Little War Horse / Tonight Show with Jay Lion-O Al Pacino and the Chipmunks / That's What Superfriends Are For Real Veal / Celebrity Wife Swamp Garfield of Dreams / I Hate My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Adventures of TaunTaun / Everyone Loves Rayman Potions 11 / Moves Like Jabba Addition Impossible / New Gill iChronicle / Hulk Smash