John Travers and Mick Murdock were only boys when they cut their wrists and mingled their blood in a pact of loyalty establishing them as two of nations most despised killers.
Season 0
Season 1
Baby Faced Killer: Carl Williams Backpacker Bloodshed: Ivan Milat King of the Cross: Abe Saffron The Mother of Evil: Kath Pettingill Dockers & Death: The Kane Brothers Mr. Bigs: George Freeman & Lenny McPherson Killer Couple: David & Catherine Burnie Blood Brothers: The Anita Cobby Killers
Baby Faced Killer: Carl Williams Backpacker Bloodshed: Ivan Milat King of the Cross: Abe Saffron The Mother of Evil: Kath Pettingill Dockers & Death: The Kane Brothers Mr. Bigs: George Freeman & Lenny McPherson Killer Couple: David & Catherine Burnie Blood Brothers: The Anita Cobby Killers