This week, Henar Álvarez is ready to pull the ears of employers who pay their workers less. Our first guest is a woman who has won everything in the ring, the world boxing champion Joana Pastrana, and now triumphs in the world of film and television. The nutritionist Marta Marcè reveals to us how a period that women live with for half their lives, the menopause, affects women's mental and physical health. She will also give some simple guidelines to improve the body and mood of pre- and post-menopausal women. Bianca Kóvacs will take the opportunity to found a party with all those women who said goodbye to menstruation. And, finally, the writer Elvira Lindo returns to Al cielo con ella to settle some pending accounts she has with Henar.
Season 1
Al cielo con… Elvira Lindo, Vania Arana and Victoria Martín Al cielo con… Chenoa and Raquel Peláez Al cielo con… Joana Pastrana, Marta Marcè and Elvira Lindo Al cielo con… Zahara and Juan Sanguino Al cielo con… Paco León and Toni Acosta Al cielo con… Abril Zamora and Elaine Vilar Madruga Episode 7
Al cielo con… Elvira Lindo, Vania Arana and Victoria Martín Al cielo con… Chenoa and Raquel Peláez Al cielo con… Joana Pastrana, Marta Marcè and Elvira Lindo Al cielo con… Zahara and Juan Sanguino Al cielo con… Paco León and Toni Acosta Al cielo con… Abril Zamora and Elaine Vilar Madruga Episode 7