Meet Shai Tanna, newest member of the Geisters. Shai has no time for fun and games, she's just ready to kick ass and take names, maybe a little too ready! Shai's actions leave the Geisters open to second guessing by the Dobias Senate, particularly Elecia Juno, twin sister of inamura, who has her own plans for the Geisters.
Season 1
The Geisters Blood Storm and Blood Relations The Trap Suspicion Omen Pride Rejection Silicon Jungle Fairies Intrigue Confinement Sacred Place Prohibition Namsos' Betrayal The Tragedy of Dobias The Whereabouts of Victor Ai Moving Fortress Cyclops The Truth Explained Recapture Dobias Dark Genesis Shocking Reunion Beginning of the Final Battle End of the Death Struggle The Armor of Ordion A Settlement of Hatred The Entrusted Future
The Geisters Blood Storm and Blood Relations The Trap Suspicion Omen Pride Rejection Silicon Jungle Fairies Intrigue Confinement Sacred Place Prohibition Namsos' Betrayal The Tragedy of Dobias The Whereabouts of Victor Ai Moving Fortress Cyclops The Truth Explained Recapture Dobias Dark Genesis Shocking Reunion Beginning of the Final Battle End of the Death Struggle The Armor of Ordion A Settlement of Hatred The Entrusted Future