Junichi Asakura lives with his adoptive sister Nemu in the crescent-shaped island of Hatsune Jima, a place where cherry blossoms bloom throughout the year. In this island, people have mysterious powers and attributes. For example, Junichi has the power to see other people's dreams, and he was also taught by his grandmother to magically create sweets. One day, Junichi's cousin and childhood friend, Sakura Yoshino came back from America all of a sudden. To Junichi's surprise, she looks exactly the same as the girl that moved away six years ago, and hasn't aged one bit. And she came back to remind Junichi of their childhood promise... It is a bittersweet tale of magic, love, hidden desires, and unattainable dreams.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Can't I Fall in Love? The Dark Nemu Explodes So, it's a bannana, eh? Canary Under the Cherry Tree Because I'm a Maid... Let's Go to the Ocean! Welcome to the Mizukoshi House! Utamaro's Spring Mysterious Poet Because I Want You to Listen... Let's Go Outside! We're Only Pretending to Be Lovers! Sakura's Chest Throbbing? Shopping Puppy-Style Summary The Unskilled Magician A Feeling That Will Never Reach You A Secret for Only Those Two The Time When I'm Happy Feelings Brushing By Sakura's Decision Wonderful Memories An Honest Confession The Door Into Memories Breaking Hearts Final Episode
Can't I Fall in Love? The Dark Nemu Explodes So, it's a bannana, eh? Canary Under the Cherry Tree Because I'm a Maid... Let's Go to the Ocean! Welcome to the Mizukoshi House! Utamaro's Spring Mysterious Poet Because I Want You to Listen... Let's Go Outside! We're Only Pretending to Be Lovers! Sakura's Chest Throbbing? Shopping Puppy-Style Summary The Unskilled Magician A Feeling That Will Never Reach You A Secret for Only Those Two The Time When I'm Happy Feelings Brushing By Sakura's Decision Wonderful Memories An Honest Confession The Door Into Memories Breaking Hearts Final Episode