A slice-of-life show that explores the lives of 5 quirky school teenagers who've just entered 11th Commerce, as they navigate friendships, heartbreaks, peer pressures, more importantly figuring out who they really want to be. All this in a society that finds it difficult to cope with the fast-changing Gen Z world.
Season 1
Season 2
Bhutte Bane Popcorn Stuti Ko Kaise Pataun? Kisne Mara Atom Bomb? POV: CCTV Masala Mass Bunk Stuti Ko Kaise Manau? Mistri Bane Kalakar 200 Ka Ek Surprise Test Pro Max Stuti Kahan Hai Yaar? Who's the hottie? Gaurav-Bhagao Andolan That's What Friends Do Dosti Ka Interval Analysis-e-Anirban School Bani Pathshala Gender-Bender! Head Girl Kaun Hai? Abey Yeh Kya Ho Gaya?
Bhutte Bane Popcorn Stuti Ko Kaise Pataun? Kisne Mara Atom Bomb? POV: CCTV Masala Mass Bunk Stuti Ko Kaise Manau? Mistri Bane Kalakar 200 Ka Ek Surprise Test Pro Max Stuti Kahan Hai Yaar? Who's the hottie? Gaurav-Bhagao Andolan That's What Friends Do Dosti Ka Interval Analysis-e-Anirban School Bani Pathshala Gender-Bender! Head Girl Kaun Hai? Abey Yeh Kya Ho Gaya?