Season 1
Contract TK Zaslav Booed at BU! WGA Pickets the Upfronts! Max Loves Creators! SAG Votes! NYC Smokes! Disney Vaults Shows! Picket Line Rumors! Netflix Bites! Paramount+ Subtracts Shows! SAG Decision! SAG Strikes! Studios Want Us Homeless! Anonymous Sources! Federal Mediators! And of Course Talkin’ Trees!
Contract TK Zaslav Booed at BU! WGA Pickets the Upfronts! Max Loves Creators! SAG Votes! NYC Smokes! Disney Vaults Shows! Picket Line Rumors! Netflix Bites! Paramount+ Subtracts Shows! SAG Decision! SAG Strikes! Studios Want Us Homeless! Anonymous Sources! Federal Mediators! And of Course Talkin’ Trees!