ANIME MANGA EXPLOSION dives into the world of Japanese anime and manga, both of which have gained immense global followings. This episode spotlights Ishida Hiroyasu, a standout animation director recognized early for his talent and known for his exhilarating, fast-paced storytelling in films like Penguin Highway. Join us and enjoy the full version of his feature film directorial debut, Sonny Boy & Dewdrop Girl. The heartwarming story follows the adventures of Hinata, a boy with a vivid imagination, as he tries to express his feelings to his crush, Shigure.
Season 1
Season 2
Male Idol Anime Special Legendary Creator Nagai Go Legendary Producer Maruyama Masao Legendary Creator Amano Yoshitaka FEATURED ANIMATION ARTIST Tachikawa Yuzuru Girl Band Anime THE MOBILE POLICE PATLABOR Special THE ANIME STUDIO: CloverWorks FEATURED ANIMATION ARTIST: Ishida Hiroyasu
Male Idol Anime Special Legendary Creator Nagai Go Legendary Producer Maruyama Masao Legendary Creator Amano Yoshitaka FEATURED ANIMATION ARTIST Tachikawa Yuzuru Girl Band Anime THE MOBILE POLICE PATLABOR Special THE ANIME STUDIO: CloverWorks FEATURED ANIMATION ARTIST: Ishida Hiroyasu