Solo and Illya board the Adriatic Express train on New Year's Eve to intercept Madame Nemirovitch, a THRUSH agent who is carrying a chemical that is capable of stopping the reproductive process. Eva, a young girl who delivers a message to Madame Nemirovitch as the train leaves, is caught on board. Throughout the evening, the THRUSH agent and Solo and Illya engage in a battle of wits as the train speeds along its route.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
The Alexander the Greater Affair (1) The Alexander the Greater Affair (2) The Ultimate Computer Affair The Foxes and Hounds Affair The Discotheque Affair The Re-Collector's Affair The Arabian Affair The Tigers are Coming Affair The Deadly Toys Affair The Cherry Blossom Affair The Virtue Affair The Children's Day Affair The Adriatic Express Affair The Yukon Affair The Very Important Zombie Affair The Dippy Blonde Affair The Deadly Goddess Affair The Birds and the Bees Affair The Waverly Ring Affair The Bridge of Lions Affair (1) The Bridge of Lions Affair (2) The Foreign Legion Affair The Moonglow Affair The Nowhere Affair The King of Diamonds Affair The Project Deephole Affair The Round Table Affair The Batcave Affair The Minus-X Affair The Indian Affairs Affair
The Alexander the Greater Affair (1) The Alexander the Greater Affair (2) The Ultimate Computer Affair The Foxes and Hounds Affair The Discotheque Affair The Re-Collector's Affair The Arabian Affair The Tigers are Coming Affair The Deadly Toys Affair The Cherry Blossom Affair The Virtue Affair The Children's Day Affair The Adriatic Express Affair The Yukon Affair The Very Important Zombie Affair The Dippy Blonde Affair The Deadly Goddess Affair The Birds and the Bees Affair The Waverly Ring Affair The Bridge of Lions Affair (1) The Bridge of Lions Affair (2) The Foreign Legion Affair The Moonglow Affair The Nowhere Affair The King of Diamonds Affair The Project Deephole Affair The Round Table Affair The Batcave Affair The Minus-X Affair The Indian Affairs Affair