Michael Bentine's Potty Time was a long-running British children's show, starring Michael Bentine, and directed and produced by Leon Thau for Thames Television on ITV. It ran from 1973 to 1980. The episodes consisted largely of distinctive, bearded puppets, comically re-enacting famous historical situations. The Potties' faces were always obscured by facial hair, with only their noses protruding. They were operated from beneath and had two distinct sizes - approximately two feet and one foot tall. All of the Potty characters were designed by Bentine, who also provided all of their voices. Their operators were from The Barry Smith Theatre of Puppets. In 2001, it was voted into 71st place in Channel 4's 100 Greatest Kids' TV shows poll. Several Region 2 DVDs of the series have been released by Network DVD.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Ancient Britain / 20,000 Potty Leagues Under the Sea China / Jason and the Argonauts Mysteries of the Mighty Thames / Seven Wonders of the World Potty Marsh Under-The-Wall / Age of Chivalry The Conquistadores / Gulliver in Lilliput The Industrial Revolution / The Faeries The Great Climb / Salamis The Pilgrims / The Blotting Paper Bomb The Foam Fighters / The Great Transcontinental Rail Road The Gardeners / Hannibal the Great The Mighty Rig / Ye Gods The Mighty Press / Camouflage Corps Ali Baba / Acacia Avenue Triangle
Ancient Britain / 20,000 Potty Leagues Under the Sea China / Jason and the Argonauts Mysteries of the Mighty Thames / Seven Wonders of the World Potty Marsh Under-The-Wall / Age of Chivalry The Conquistadores / Gulliver in Lilliput The Industrial Revolution / The Faeries The Great Climb / Salamis The Pilgrims / The Blotting Paper Bomb The Foam Fighters / The Great Transcontinental Rail Road The Gardeners / Hannibal the Great The Mighty Rig / Ye Gods The Mighty Press / Camouflage Corps Ali Baba / Acacia Avenue Triangle