The story centers on Keitarou Gentouga, who has the ability to be a spirit medium. In junior high school, he got someone else wrapped up in a spirit possession incident, and he has been a shut-in for more than two years. As he reintroduces himself to society as a private tutor, he meets a genius girl named Yayoi Houzuki. Yayoi is instantly able to tell that Keitarou has skill as a spirit medium, and she invites him to go with her to a haunted location. The two then start their journey capturing evil spirits.
Season 1
Yayoi Hozuki Keitaro Gentoga Friends Eiko Hozuki The Freshmen Welcome Event The Promise S Tunnel Betrothed to Divinity Blasphemy Across Japan S-Rank Danger: Castle H Ruins The Castle H Ruins, Danger Rank S! Emancipate Old F Tunnel Old Old F Tunnel House Hunting The House of the Virgin Conception Morning Twilight Within the Brothel The Old I Watergate: An Innocent Grudge The Old I Watergate: Resplendence The Old I Watergate: Pleasure District in Flames Scary School Stories: Hide and Seek Scary School Stories: Nightmare Dark Gathering
Yayoi Hozuki Keitaro Gentoga Friends Eiko Hozuki The Freshmen Welcome Event The Promise S Tunnel Betrothed to Divinity Blasphemy Across Japan S-Rank Danger: Castle H Ruins The Castle H Ruins, Danger Rank S! Emancipate Old F Tunnel Old Old F Tunnel House Hunting The House of the Virgin Conception Morning Twilight Within the Brothel The Old I Watergate: An Innocent Grudge The Old I Watergate: Resplendence The Old I Watergate: Pleasure District in Flames Scary School Stories: Hide and Seek Scary School Stories: Nightmare Dark Gathering