Cosmic Era 71. Mankind has developed into two subspecies: Naturals, who reside on Earth, and Coordinators, genetically enhanced humans capable of withstanding the rigors of space who inhabit orbital colonies known as PLANTs. The story revolves around a young Coordinator named Kira Yamato, who becomes involved in the war between the two races after a neutral space colony secretly developing mobile suits for the Earth Alliance is attacked by the PLANTs' military force, ZAFT.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
False Peace Its Name is Gundam Collapsing Land Silent Run Phase Shift Down The Vanishing Gundam The Scar of Space Songstress of the Enemy Forces The Fading Light Separate Ways The Awakening Sword Flay's Decision Stars Falling in Space Within Endless Time The Respective Solitudes Burning Clouds of Sand Cagalli Returns Payback Fangs of the Enemy On a Calm Day Beyond the Clouds of Sand The Sea Dyed Red Fateful Encounter War for Two The Land of Peace Moment Endless Rondo Kira The Turning Point Flashing Blades Grieving Skies In the Promised Land Gathering Darkness Seen and Unseen The Descending Sword In the Name of Justice Divine Thunder Decisive Fire Athrun Into the Dawn Skies Trembling World Lacus Strikes What Stands in the Way Spiral of Encounters The Opening Door A Place for the Soul The Nightmare Reborn Day of Wrath The Final Light To an Endless Future
False Peace Its Name is Gundam Collapsing Land Silent Run Phase Shift Down The Vanishing Gundam The Scar of Space Songstress of the Enemy Forces The Fading Light Separate Ways The Awakening Sword Flay's Decision Stars Falling in Space Within Endless Time The Respective Solitudes Burning Clouds of Sand Cagalli Returns Payback Fangs of the Enemy On a Calm Day Beyond the Clouds of Sand The Sea Dyed Red Fateful Encounter War for Two The Land of Peace Moment Endless Rondo Kira The Turning Point Flashing Blades Grieving Skies In the Promised Land Gathering Darkness Seen and Unseen The Descending Sword In the Name of Justice Divine Thunder Decisive Fire Athrun Into the Dawn Skies Trembling World Lacus Strikes What Stands in the Way Spiral of Encounters The Opening Door A Place for the Soul The Nightmare Reborn Day of Wrath The Final Light To an Endless Future